Dragon ball is the Japanese anime series.
The dragon ball series hero goku is very powerful and comedy character and hero's opponent Vegeta character is amazing.this two characters enemies but his friends . This is mass action anime and fight is very very interesting and entertaining. I get some pics in chrome so I upload. 
1) Vegeta 


And ours family :
   Goku family members
1)goku's wife - chichi 

2)goku's son - Gohan 

3)goku's second son - gotan

4)Gohan's wife - viddle

5) Gohan's daughter - 
Vegeta's family :

1) Vegeta's wife - bullma

 2) Vegeta's son - trungs

This is the power full family in the universe 7 and goku is super Sayan this super Sayan is 2 and above forams.

Most popular and powerful foram is god foam.the god foam is defeated the god destruction in universel martial arts tournament.


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